RTA Theory Test Practice 5 RTA Theory Test Practice 5 1 / 30 You are the person driving now and the vehicle started moving. and suddenly examiner pointing that you didn't wear the seat belt. What will you do? Choose the best option You will continue driving without wearing seatbelt. You will move to side and stop in the hard shoulder and put seat belt. You will suddenly stop in the middle of the road and put seat belt. 2 / 30 The letter E in this guide sign denotes that This road belongs to Abudhabi. This is a minor road. This road belongs to emirates. 3 / 30 Which indicator you will switch on when you exiting from the roundabout Right indicator. Left indicator. No indicator required. 4 / 30 When it's foggy, you should avoid…? Changing lanes Overtaking All of these 5 / 30 What should you do once you have cleared floodwater on the road? Pump your brakes repeatedly Stop until your brakes are dry Drive with the brakes permanently applied 6 / 30 If you are tired, you should…? Only drive if it's important Only drive in town Never drive your car 7 / 30 Which of these must be working for your car to be roadworthy? Headlights Indicator lights Hazard lights All of them 8 / 30 The best way of avoiding a crash is to…? Increase your speed Reduce your speed Use your horn regularly 9 / 30 If visibility in fog gets really poor, you should…? Speed up to get away from it Sound your horn continuously Pull off the road 10 / 30 You should only use a mobile phone in your car when…? You are parked You are travelling below 30 km an hour It is urgent 11 / 30 If your car is equipped with airbags, you…? Need only wear a seatbelt at high speed Need not bother with a seatbelt Must still wear your seatbelt at all time 12 / 30 If you make a mistake that angers another driver, you should…? Drive away as quickly as possible Sound your horn Apologies immediately 13 / 30 The best way to monitor your speed when driving is…? Look at the roadside furniture Look at other drivers' speeds Check the speedometer 14 / 30 Using a hands-free kit makes you how much safer using a mobile phone when driving? Twice as safe Four times as safe Not at all 15 / 30 When it is raining and there is a risk of aquaplaning, how much space should you leave to the vehicle in front? Two seconds Three seconds Four seconds 16 / 30 When a school bus has its flashers on, that means…? It is picking up or dropping off students No driver is present You may pass it safely 17 / 30 High beam headlights should be used…? In unlit areas At high speeds At all times 18 / 30 Which of these circumstances should make you increase your following distance? When you are carrying a heavy load When it is dark When it is raining All of them 19 / 30 Whenever possible, you should drive in…? The slow lane The middle lane The fast lane 20 / 30 Your journey will be safer and more pleasant if you…? Use a map Plan in advance Use a satnav 21 / 30 The safest way to brake is…? Early and hard Gradually and late Gradually and early 22 / 30 When road and weather conditions are good, how far should you stay behind the vehicle in front? Two seconds Three seconds Four seconds 23 / 30 If you break down on a highway, what should you do? Exit the car and leave your hazards on Stay in the car with your hazards on Stand in front of the car to warn other drivers 24 / 30 When is it compulsory to have your car headlights on? An hour after sunset and an hour before sunrise At all times day and night Between sunset and sunrise 25 / 30 When do pedestrians have right of way? At night In urban areas At all times 26 / 30 The special priority lanes for buses and taxis may also be used by…? Motorcycles Emergency vehicles Heavy goods vehicles 27 / 30 When changing lanes or making a turn, you should use your indicators…? If there is oncoming traffic If pedestrians are present At all times 28 / 30 Approaching a T-junction, who has priority? Vehicles on the cross road Vehicles turning right from the joining road Whoever reaches the junction first 29 / 30 On a roundabout, if there is no reason controlling traffic and no traffic sign, who has priority? Vehicles coming from the right Vehicles coming from behind Vehicles coming from the left 30 / 30 When making a right turn from a single lane road, you should position yourself…? Close to the left-hand side Close to the right-hand side In the center of the lane Your score isThe average score is 87% 0% Restart quiz